Amphigory E

Brief Definition: Amphigory– nonsensical writing

Giving Birth to new injustice, I spread disease and disaster like rain.

I pride myself with your feelings pressed against my sleeve.

I have no desires to effectuate with anyone or anything breathing in this world.

Hatred pens sodomy to its ways, walking to the rotundra to hold conversation, a revolving secret is to be revealed.

Blame me for your sorrow and stoic ways, Saint of Gomorrah, Son of God.

Face II Face

So I decided to be poor, scrape the barrel and become humble.

I choose to give up life and those in it to become whole, hear the breeze.

My intentions were only good to the world, so my spirit faded and whispered no one else…

I love me, so I made the conscious decision to be poor, feeble, meek but smart.

I bled for the world, I waited too long for years to pass while rushing day ones achievements.

Softly in my ear, I hear…”You Don’t Need No One Else”.

It’s okay I say, but I pray one day.

Shall my heart capsize a world my eyes despise, in a voice I hear southern comfort is near.

As Though I Never New

As Though I Never Knew

What little time we shared, My thoughts led me to believe you had Potential.

Never dated, never screwed, again I thought I might get a chance to know you.

How I’m wrong for breaking my own spree, by choice in attempts to allow you to please me, Hmmm asshole….

If you even cared you would have never stormed out,

Gone with the wind as to be drained from the gifts of life’s spout,

Maturity pains the sighs as I release,

So many older children, bound by the constraints of life’s leash,

So gone as to want and urn for something that the heart can never have,

Being held and controlled sometimes temporarily disburses faint emotions.

Emotions that harbor pain and destroy love,

Am I guilty for wanting to be held and praised?

Will you condemn me for not giving you what you wanted?

No ties no lies!

No fears no tears,

No love no pain,

No Loss is without it’s gains.

For the world projects it’s innocence and grace in the eyes of a child.

A blessing but if not controlled a curse.

As though I never knew that you existed,

As though I never thought you cared,

As though I never believed your dreams,

As though I never understood your feelings,

As though I never knew your pain,

As though I never knew!


Written By

Ivan Tate October 30, 2004

Facebook an overzealous platform for the modest yet disregarded thinker.

Daily rituals are what most consider to be the substance of life.  We wake up and do the same things which A, make us feel useful or B,  Establish some type of existence in a world where we are all seemingly viewed as unimportant, expendable or even an anomaly. As life teeters along we find daily living to be a tumultuous journey, I’ve made the mistake many times also believing things are more of what they seem as opposed to what they really are.  Free thinkers are usually the most fascinated receptors of this theory not realizing there is more to life than being heard, read or even seen. With such a platform comes the responsibility of relaying abrupt emotions with the intentions of indirectly making a formal statement. “You heard what I said with my mouth and you choose to utilize Facebook as a podium to respond”. Seemingly we catch things here and there,  We graze over profile statuses passively yet somehow find the time to relate to those nonchalant posts which hold no regard and aren’t relative to the substance of life.  In most cases when a grouping of individuals shares a common thought process there is no sense of individuality, your merits are reinforced by the comments or quantity of “Like’s” received. Personally I don’t visit pages often, as my concerns aren’t placed nor tackled on the Facebook platform, but seeing as how I’m up now, it is only through boredom will I sacrifice time and energy to create a thorough response to combat useless matters that become the profound facilitators of our daily endeavors even if for only one day, hour or moment.

It’s so easy for people to come to their own conclusions… I do it myself all the time; it’s what makes me human. What I don’t do is entertain dead end subjects.  I’m sure with this post will come various individual interpretations of what I am relaying, however if I haven’t made it clear my daily ritual isn’t plagued by pointless indulgences and mediocre metaphors. Personally I prefer the silent treatment, as life goes on my admiration for outside dramatics dwindles yet the more mistakes are made, I learn pride is not a trait I like to combat.

Fishing is for fisherman,

Drama is better on TNT,

And Facebook, although fun is a form of entertainment.

Thank you to my little tipper offer(s)…you’ve always done no less than what is expected.

I would reference “The Reality of Real” for further clarification; it seems befitting for those who require a deeper understanding.

From my own repertoire, here it is….

Even the smartest person can be received literarily as an ASS…(myself included)

LITERARILY not to be confused with LITERALLY…although in this case both words fit, I stress Literarily with great reverence from a writers perspective.

I guess the butt of the joke is now that I’ve thrown in the towel or met your need to be read and responded to officially, thusly on a lesser platform than we are accustomed to, are you going to go find another brow to wipe or resume your destined greatness as a friend whom was simply bored and had absolutely nothing else on this earth to do here on Facebook, or anywhere else in the world for that matter.

But Quiet as Kept, your intentions are admirable…I RESPECTFULLY ( I hope this helps you out, I placed it in BOLD letters) placed the same emphasis on responding as you my confidant placed in making your frugal gesture of clarity. You placed some type of energy on making one of my second thoughts your first. It’s nice to know I hold some place in your daily routine however simple it may be.

If you believe I did place more than the required amount of words in to this little epitaph…I would rather my position come off overstated as this applies to more than one dead notion.

I’m okay over here.

How are you over there?

I’m not the performer, I’m the audience…My fault is trying to understand the show when in fact in the future I should just change the channel.

As always, this was amusing, I enjoy writing and this was my ‘Ode to what I do best”. Write for fun with a purpose…. No matter how ridiculous it is or now was ( Did you catch the past tense in there?)!

The Reality of Real

People often comment, when they have no place, myself included. Everyone thinks they know you best or better than the person they’re talking about. I have noticed one major thing, everyone wants to be real, and I’ve not met an unreal person in 27 years, what does it look like… I’ve not met one person who doesn’t keep Drama going in their own life…I’ve got 146 friends which yields a potential 147 Ways to go right or wrong, every storyline is the same…I can honestly say NOT ONE is less Dramatic than the other…In fact those who believe they are tend to be more drama filled than those who don’t…Moral of the story “Hush”…If you’d stood out in my life you’d know it.

People come and go. I am a firm believer in knowing when to make peace and part ways. I have run into many people in life. It’s about owning up to your own confusion. I have been in better places, where things have been organized and life seemingly flowed. I have had the great experience of always being the younger of any faction I was a part of, It has yielded many great lessons, no I wouldn’t say I’m done learning, just done listening for now. I realize when you cut off communication to a certain point you develop a singular vision. One which is defined by the ability to self heal. As much as we’d all like to believe genuine concern is inevitable with friends it is not.

The things we do as human beings amazes me. “Keep your friends Close and your enemies even closer”…This concept fostered whirlwinds in my mind. I am not frugal when it comes to holding my tongue, many know that (it’s not a hidden concept or trait). I have made my fair share of mistakes, you know “A slip of the lip can sink a ship”, and I’ve lost many battles, but I never acknowledged personal defeat. In order for you to know where I am currently, you have to know where I’ve been and where I’m planning to go. I have become somewhat of a recluse…over the last 4 months I have ratified many areas in my life especially those of familiar turmoil. No one is definite on this earth, appealing to some emotion or self indulgent desire is the nature of the beast…There is no whimsical balance. I mean, seriously…I have heard some theories and astrological algorithms that will blow your mind. But when you think about it, it’s very basic. The more one is cognoscente of emotions, the more they are subject to over analyze everyday life colloquially termed “Dramatics”… Everything is Drama…Drama has become characterized with how one handles things verses how another wants the issue to be down played or thoughtless of. Johnny tells Tommy he ate his red apple, Tommy becomes irate and terminates the friendship due to his loss, Seems Dramatic Right??? Or Johnny tells Tommy he slept with his wife and Tommy say ‘Great How was it?”… The Concept of drama is all about response. How one views the situation and how they feel regarding what society dictates is the adequate response. People thrive on “Drama”, I do not personally look toward the astrological practicums as logical, my belief of individual awareness and human response is based on primitive levels, and we know what we are taught. I believe the mind creates analytical awareness responses which stimulate reasoning. You know when someone doesn’t think or understand your point of views you become aware by physical traits stern face, stiff brow, and straight lip etc…, not a septic feeling in your bones. Astrology although a symbolic representation of the months proves to be a growing fad among the new generation of “Flower Power Go Getters”. When you seek to place a collective race of individuals in a group particular to similarities you subject yourself to learned reasoning. “All Libra’s Are Indecisive…All Virgo’s are good in bed…Fact is how do you know, what makes you believe your .0000001 % chance of opinion is based on experienced knowledge…Simply put, it’s reasoning. It’s whatever fits in the conversation at that particular time to build character in the scheme or some philosophical explanation. No theory in the world can ratify the same thought as to be sound fact. Astrology is relative to scientology which borders finite equations. One would have guessed by now that our race is not finite, we die, and we encourage evolution and thrive in the constant stratosphere of change. Our world thrives on communication, being heard. Point is we don’t have it all, there’s no math in being a human being so how can astrology group any one set of individuals together by traits and characteristics. All human beings experience the same feelings, simply at different times. To say all Leo’s are aggressive could be considered judgmental to a Leo, I’m sure through explanation one would defend their logic down but each point remains unfounded. Every human being is subject to each type on the wheel of astrology so hear the tone of the conversation shifts to Faith….but not this post…LOL

Fact is Drama is merely relevance. Everyone has their fair share, usually it is those who suffer in silence and appeal to the better nature of being kind to another person. It’s time I started to speak…However, I firmly understand I do not have to be heard. But I am done listening for now…Everyone knows better than you, except you, about what’s going on with you. 146 ways I’ve been listening to for 27 years….of course there’s more but still 146 ways of Drama on a daily basis in some form or another….For once hear what I have to say…maybe one day I’ll be able to rightfully defend having some type of understanding to the way “Groupings Work, I can’t possibly sit here and think of one conversation which stands out for no apparent reason. 146 people, 1 me=147 ways to go wrong or simply one voice…Let me speak, can I have a turn…I mean really for now, Ivan’s Kind of Done with listening…



Written By Ivan Tate

September 4, 2011

Revised September 7, 2011