The Wanted…A Harvest Moon Memoir

Wanted, More than average yet nothing less than secure.

Beyond the precipice of simple beauty however above cloaking vanity for shame.

A master of prayer to a mistress of pride, the crescent moon harvester.

Swimming in meaning, a listener to untangle emotions when rain silences dust and time weakens its prey.

Destiny’s archangel in a world where men are paupers to old ways forging delight out of penance.

Humility beckons sight when in shadow its revelation spawns creative focus.

Gaining glory, a messiah bound for purpose heeding charlatans eagerness and ignorance delighted by living in the moment.

A protector to which innocence can rely upon during moments aghast in wind beset upon by mercy.

For we are all tainted by mistakes cloaking somewhere in the midst.

Its during our time of weakness the journey makes strength stronger and wills the desire of a survivor.

Wanted…A Giver of breath without merit for selfishness.

Wanted…A lover of life committed to enchant the soulless.

Wanted…One void of hatred yet aware of its lingering bodice.

Wanted…One fulfilled by delivering purpose on the edge of time.

Wanted… A social misfit with the temperance of a guardian.

Wanted…A heartbeat to rival that of my own, wielding power upon which we will devour.

Wanted…A reality so compounded on the love we have founded.




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