The Second Son AKA Jr. (Freestyle)

Talkin all that Jazz bout how strong you are,

Little did I know your strength balances my heart. 

No one left you, nobody hates you its all in your mind,

Let me take a chance on that notion and have our terms redefined.

My Pappy, My Daddy of course I’m proud to be your son,

If you listen and look closely I mimic everything you’ve done.

From your weight loss to your perfect smile and now onto the degrees
I love my pops to death even though he drops me to my knees.
I know I’m dramatic but fully pragmatic and to boot my pride is hard
Those traits I earned and continue to learn stem from his loving arms.
So next time we have one of our arguments and decide to go tit for tat
You may piss me off and silence your voice but Dad I still got your back. 


the armor and the saint (freelance)

a young man was traveling all though lost he had his faith,

he’d sacrificed his earthly daliances for a road no man would take.

And when it came time to pass the problems of daily living that we all make,

he shook his head and proudly said “to bed with me these problems i’ll take”.

its not fair to burden others with worldly issues he or she cant solve,

in retrospect we tend to forget everything comes from God.

So as I take this journey to seal my humble fate

just know my armor is with me and through him each breath I take.