Writing, Ivan’s Style!

Writing is the most important gift anyone can possess.  It enables a person to convey feelings, past accomplishments, professional intent and a plethora of other nuances which dictate means and set the tone for how one is received.  I have always felt “The Pen is Mightier than the Sword”.  With this understanding I strive to convey proper grammatical poise with the utmost professionalism.  I cringe when reading fragmented sentences, my need to make corrections and apply effective methodologies is what sets my written pieces apart from others.

Writing is my passion; I strive to provide a unique understanding coupled with common knowledge and fact.  Perusing a writing degree is only natural for me as I prefer to be on the cusp of literary greatness. There is a multitude of information I urn to convey, I refuse for my work to be questioned merely on the premise of plagiarism. When I speak, I speak with conviction because I can research fact and promote understanding verbally; my writing skills should be even more defined and express nothing less.

In the throes of everything life has meticulously dealt me I never stopped writing. From the struggles of daily living to serving in both Iraq and Afghanistan I fostered my gift. I now feel strongly that it is only appropriate to firmly cultivate those roots and secure the path through education. If nothing else makes perfect sense, this does. If no one else understands, I do and regardless of whatever the future may dictate Ivan Tate is a writer and forever will be.

As with anything in life there is always room for improvement. I will forever be a student because I know lessons never cease.  Furthermore my desire to teach and provide guidance to tomorrow’s leaders begins with aiding their abilities to effectively convey information professionally. Not knowing the difference between an adjective, verb or a pronoun is disturbing to me.  Not being able to rectify a fragmented sentence lends pause to one’s credibility to me. If I can be so bold to outright praise someone for creating a fascinating poem, I should also be able to explain discontent when subjected to editing.

Writing to me is the Pièce de résistance of life, there is no greater reward. Through my bachelors I learned it’s not all about cut and paste. In order for someone else to understand it I believe I first must master the concept. My intent is not to receive this degree and blog, I am seeking more and will not settle for anything less. I am committed to promoting the works of great literary geniuses while creating some of my own. At the age of 28 it is all too often I hear someone say, “I could write a whole book on…” in the midst of the conversation I always pose the same question, “Why Didn’t You”? Because society is lacking in proper composition skills I don’t see why I should have to.


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